What We Do

Eurasia Foundation equips citizens to build resilient communities. Our success showcases the power of a vibrant civil society to drive real and lasting change.

Our Approach

Eurasia Foundation’s work is grounded in our commitment to supporting meaningful and lasting change in the communities where we work. Our core approach is based on the following guiding principles: 


We adapt our programs to the distinct contexts in which we operate. From addressing barriers to women’s workplace entry to creating platforms for youth participation, we examine individual experiences and use our in-country networks to channel resources that are relevant and useful in the daily lives of our program participants. 


We are committed to building genuine and long-lasting partnerships based on trust and mutual respect. We brainstorm, design, and implement initiatives jointly with our partners on the ground. We consistently seek to improve the quality of our work by listening to our partners and participants.


We center the voices of marginalized people, particularly women, youth, people with disabilities, minoritized populations, and the economically disenfranchised. Our programs reach individuals and groups that reside beyond major cities and hubs, and meaningfully include them in decision-making processes. 


We support the creation of local solutions by building leadership and subject matter expertise within communities. Our programs emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, reinforced with practical applications that help participants apply new skills in real-life settings. 


We are committed to developing programs and solutions that can live on beyond our direct engagement. We balance the needs of the present within the context of a complex social, economic and environmental landscape. By pursuing sustainability, we improve the quality of our contribution, and encourage our collaborators to adopt the same approach. 

Four people--two women and two men--stand side-by-side on the steps of a gray building, smiling at the camera. The man on the right is Dilmurad.


NGO Helps Pioneer Disability-Inclusive Employment in Uzbekistan

Globally, people with disabilities experience significantly higher unemployment rates compared to the general population. Dilmurad Yusupov and his team at Sharoit Plus in Uzbekistan are determined to change the status quo with support from Eurasia Foundation’s Social Innovation in Central Asia project.