E-Governance Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The E-Governance Activity (EGA) supports the governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to improve public sector transparency, curb corruption, and increase citizen and private sector participation in decision-making processes. EGA is a five-year award implemented by Millennium Partners and funded by USAID. Eurasia Foundation is a subcontractor under this project.
EGA strives to improve government responsiveness and reduce corruption through transparent, open electronic processes. The project assists the governments of BiH in harmonizing their e-governance legislative and regulatory framework with EU directives and international best practices. EGA also supports the citizens and governments of BiH in developing new software to ensure efficient, effective, and transparent public procurement and service delivery.
Under this activity, Eurasia Foundation builds the capacity of civil society organizations to monitor and report on public procurements, including flagging high-risk, potentially corrupt tenders. EF is also developing a system of contractor past performance reports. Together, these efforts ensure that the rules of public procurement are being implemented transparently and objectively by all stakeholders in the process.