EF’s Young Professionals Network Wraps Up its Fifth Season

EF’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) engages the next generation of Eurasia foreign policy specialists in a series of seminars and off-the-record discussions with international diplomats, policy advisors, journalists, academics, and other international visitors. On May 23, 2017, the 2016-2017 class gathered for its capstone event to celebrate the relationships and networks they’ve built over the previous nine months.
The Young Professionals discussed developments in the Eurasia region from US, regional and local perspectives, and the changing landscape under the new US administration with three former U.S. ambassadors: the Honorables William Courtney, Kenneth Yalowitz and Richard Kauzlarich, as well as with EF President Horton Beebe-Center and Vice President Lisa Coll. In typical YPN-fashion, the questions were penetrating and demonstrated sophisticated familiarity with issues both challenging and threatening the region.
The 2016-2017 class is the fifth YPN group in EF’s Sarah Carey Program. Since launching in 2012, the group has engaged more than 150 emerging professionals specializing in diplomacy, policy, security, media, public administration, social justice, economic development, and country and regional affairs in Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, and many more countries in the region. YPN strengthens the professional skills and connections that its participants need to grow their careers.
EF launched the Sarah Carey Program in 2012 to honor its long-serving chair Sarah Carey, whose deep connection to the Eurasia region spanned more than 50 years. The Sarah Carey Program aims to capture Sarah’s pioneering spirit and her belief that business and law—creatively applied—can overcome political obstacles among nations and lead to social benefit for all. The program is comprised of three components: an annual award, a policy forum, and the Young Professionals Network.
Follow EF on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to learn more about YPN and receive updates about applying to join the 2017-2018 YPN class.