Introducing Eurasia Foundation’s 2012-2013 Young Professionals Network

Eurasia Foundation is proud to announce the 2012-2013 class of the Young Professionals Network. YPN is part of Eurasia Foundation’s efforts to cultivate the next generation of professionals working on the Eurasia region. This inaugural class includes a varied group of 32 outstanding participants from a variety of backgrounds in government, non-profits, the private sector, media, academia, and the U.S. military.
The Young Professionals Network was created to offer an opportunity for young professionals in Washington to engage in thoughtful conversations on developments in the Eurasia region and hear from policy experts and experienced practitioners. It will provide an opportunity for Young Professionals to share their own insights as well as career and travel experiences. Leading policy experts, journalists, and practitioners will drive the monthly discussions and provide career guidance to the group.
The 2012-2013 Young Professionals Network:
Mark Adomanis, contributor to
Julia Bacon, Manager of Membership Affairs and Programs, U.S.-Russia Business Council
Anna Borshchevskaya, Assistant Director of the Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council
Kelsey L. Campbell, Foreign Affairs Specialist, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Matthew Eldridge, Research & Policy Analyst, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
Robert Fojtik, Associate, The Cohen Group
Joshua Foust, Fellow, American Security Project
Diana Galperin, Research Assistant, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Whitney Grespin, Operations Associate, Atlantean Worldwide
Thomas Hernandez, Program Assistant, National Democratic Institute
Brianna Hiser, Program Officer, National Democratic Institute
Natia Jikia, Muskie Fellow, George Mason University
Dr. Danielle Granville Johnson, Fellow, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
Laura Linderman, Assistant Director of the Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council
Benjamin Morano, Program Assistant, National Endowment for Democracy
Mark Mozur, Analyst, PFC Energy
Malika Mukhamedkhanova, Grants Accountant, UN Foundation
Dylan Myles-Primakoff, Political Instability Research Developer, ISIS Center, Georgetown University
Joshua Noonan, M.A. candidate, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Lala Rahimova, Consultant, Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Alakbar (Alex) Raufoglu, Washington Correspondent, TURAN News Agency
Richard Solash, Washington Correspondent, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Colin Sollitt, Research Analyst, Strategic Social
Justin Sosne, Special Assistant to the Ambassador, Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues, U.S. Department of State
Diana Sweet, Ph.D. candidate, George Mason University
Hannah Thoburn, Research Assistant, Brookings Institution
Alina Tourkova, Consultant, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
Bobbie Jo Traut, Program Officer, Center for International Private Enterprise
Evgeniya Usmanova, Program Officer, American Councils for International Education
Stephan Vitvitsky, International Economist, Office of Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Department of Treasury
Natalia Wobst, Coordinator, Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit, Atlantic Council
Nicholas Wondra, M.A. candidate, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
About the Program
The Young Professionals Network is one element of the Sarah Carey Program, which also consists of an annual award and a symposium. Sarah Carey was the long serving chair of the Eurasia Foundation’s board of trustees. Her connection to the Eurasia region spanned more than 50 years, and she was an indispensable advisor to policymakers and young people interested in the region. The Sarah Carey Program is financed entirely by private donations.